Our library of free downloadable content includes white papers, webinars, product guides, case studies, industry analysis and much more, provided by experts and vendors within the transportation industry. These resources are not endorsed by APTA, and rather they are vendor-sponsored content designed to be helpful to your organization. By downloading the content, you may be contacted by the provider.

Headquartered in Massachusetts, ELERTS is the company behind See Say®, the leading crowdsourced incident reporting solution for transit agencies, airports, and smart cities. ELERTS delivers awareness of safety, security and CX anomalies in your system.

The cloud-based solution provides passengers and employees multiple ways to report problems with their mobile phone. The result: Operations centers get early awareness of issues at the first hint of a problem. Transit agencies can respond before situations escalate into more serious and costly incidents.

The See Say platform can be deployed in 30 days. It integrates with fare payment or trip planning apps to leverage and engage with your passengers. With support for GFTS/AVL, CCTV cameras, DOT traffic cameras, and ESRI maps See Say is a vital ally to your existing security tech portfolio.

Crowdsourced incident reports you receive will be compiled into high-value data for strategic operations analysis, project management, and reporting to stakeholders.

The end result: Safer, more welcoming, and more cost-efficient transit systems. People naturally want to help when they see anomalies or inconsistencies that spell trouble. See Say removes the barriers that might have held them back before.

ELERTS See Say: Awareness is Everything.





Resources from ELERTS