Our library of free downloadable content includes white papers, webinars, product guides, case studies, industry analysis and much more, provided by experts and vendors within the transportation industry. These resources are not endorsed by APTA, and rather they are vendor-sponsored content designed to be helpful to your organization. By downloading the content, you may be contacted by the provider.
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Transit operates two separate transit systems to make paratransit happen, and it’s neither equitable nor cost-efficient. This whitepaper explores the need for integration of all transit modes to enable a future of true transit equity.
Clean air is equity for employees and commuters. This article aims to shed light on the significance of providing interior air treatment for public transit.
With added pressure from budget constraints and changing passenger expectations, transit agencies are now searching for solutions that enable them to modernize their paratransit services. Download this guide to learn how to improve paratransit operations.
This guide dives deeper into the three systemic challenges facing bus operations today and how modern technology solutions can help pave the way forward for riders, operators, and agencies alike.
The transition to zero emission buses is well underway as public transit fleets work toward ambitious emissions reduction goals and mass deploy electric vehicles. Learn more and how your transit agency can benefit with this complimentary white paper.
Some are unaware of the depth and variety of technology available to transit agencies. While everyone agrees interoperability and improvements are necessary, there is a significant portion of the field that doesn’t understand how they can achieve it.
One of the key components of providing excellent service is having an effective communication system in place. Download this complimentary brochure to learn the top 10 reason why transit agencies should use a contact center.
Learn how to leverage web-based add-ons to build a new level of flexibility into your transit system, while reaching more underserved riders and boosting both your customer-service delivery and rider loyalty.
Download this white paper and learn how you can dramatically improve your rider experience using Automated Voice Announcements, while connecting more closely with your ridership community.